Four webpage screenshots showing the multi-page design of the redesigned Dyson Website

Redesigned the website architecture and typographic system for Dyson


○ Web Designer
○ UI Designer

Project Type

○ Typography
○ Web Technology

Tools Used

○ Adobe XD


○ Sept 2022 - Dec 2022

I identified typographic and layout issues with Dyson’s current website which led to the development of an improved design system. This design system, visualized through a style guide, corrects the current issues and aims to streamline the design process for future projects.
This style guide was used as the basis for the website redesign which utilizes a content management system to ensure the client has full control over the user experience and presentation of content. 
Through this website redesign, I was able to further develop my web development skills and complete a project that has the necessary infrastructure to be successfully handed off to a happy client.
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